Detailed Notes on o su

Detailed Notes on o su

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In case the interpretation established out in (b) earlier mentioned is approved, can Article fourteen(two)(b)(ii) of Regulation No 1408/71 be utilized in the problem in which the obligation present while in the context with the work romantic relationship amongst the employee and only one employer to completely carry out work in quite a few Member States addresses overall performance of obligations within the Member Condition wherein the employee resides Although this kind of condition — the functionality of work in that incredibly State — seems for being precluded at some time that the work romantic relationship is entered into and, from the function of The solution staying inside the negative, can Report fourteen(two)(b)(i) of Regulation No 1408/seventy one be used?

Deși, de cele mai multe ori, autoritățile competente vor fi cel mai bine plasate pentru a reacționa rapid la evenimente sau evoluții nefavorabile, AEVMP ar trebui să fie, de asemenea, abilitată să ia măsuri în cazul în care vânzarea în lipsă și alte activități conexe pun în pericol funcționarea standardă și integritatea piețelor financiare sau stabilitatea întregului sistem financiar din Uniune sau a unei părți a acestuia, atunci când există implicații transfrontaliere, iar autoritățile competente nu au luat suficiente măsuri pentru a remedia situația.

Quite a few delegations agreed that, within the limited-time period, developing international locations should be aided with the availability of vaccines; within the very long-expression, however, the guidance should be much more focused on strengthening the public health and fitness method and on marketing the developing countries' capability to tackle communicable health conditions; the support to producing nations really should be furnished by means of Entire world Wellbeing Organisation (WHO) plus the United Nations (UN).

În vederea asigurării unei aplicări corecte a legislației în domeniul accizelor, două sau mai multe condition membre pot conveni, pe baza unei analize a riscurilor și dacă este cazul , să efectueze controale simultane, fiecare pe teritoriul propriu, cu privire la situația referitoare la accize a unuia sau a mai multor operatori economici sau a altor persoane care prezintă interes comun sau complementar, ori de câte ori astfel de controale par să fie mai eficace decât controalele efectuate de un singur stat membru.

In conditions where by procedures for one or more products are extended and where one or more of your pursuits referred to in Post 224(3)(a) are pursued by a recognised interbranch organisation and they are in the general financial desire of Individuals persons whose things to do relate to a number of in the products and solutions worried, the Member State which has granted recognition might come to a decision that people or groups which aren't users from the interbranch organisation but which take pleasure in These pursuits shall pay back the organisation all or A part of the economic contributions compensated by its users for the extent that these types of contributions are meant to address charges specifically incurred as a result of pursuing the functions in dilemma.

ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Din ce în ce mai mulți copii desireă să se joace pe calculator.

Lipsa medicamentelor esențiale, în Particular cauzată de insuficiența resurselor financiare corespunzătoare constituie un subiect care a ajuns la cel mai înalt nivel politic, așa cum se exemplifică în „Declarația de la Bremen”6 privind HIV/SIDA, prin care miniștrii sănătății sau angajat să coopereze pentru a asigura acces la medicamente la un preț rezonabil, având în vedere problemele existente cu care se confruntă pacienții din mai multe state membre în a avea acces la medicamentele de care au nevoie urgent.

În cazul în care mai multe instituții de credit score autorizate în Uniune au ca întreprindere mamă același Keeping financiar sau același Keeping financiar mixt și niciuna dintre aceste instituții de credit score nu a fost autorizată în statul membru în care au sediul holdingul financiar sau holdingul financiar mixt, supravegherea pe bază consolidată se exercită de autoritățile competente care au autorizat instituția de credit history care prezintă bilanțul overall cel mai ridicat și care este considerată, în sensul prezentei directive, ca fiind instituția de credit rating controlată de un holding financiar mamă din UE sau un holding financiar mixt mamă din UE.

Articles four and 5 of Regulation (EC) No 469/2009 of the eu Parliament and on the Council of 6 May well 2009 concerning the supplementary protection certification for medicinal solutions has to be interpreted as meaning that, where by a ‘item’ consisting of an Lively ingredient was protected by a essential patent plus the holder of that patent was capable of count on the protection conferred by that patent for that ‘product or service’ as a way to oppose the advertising of a medicinal products containing that Energetic component together with one or more other Energetic substances, a supplementary security certificate granted for that ‘products’ enables its holder, soon after The essential patent has expired, to oppose the marketing and advertising by a third party of the medicinal products containing that solution for the use of your ‘product’, as being a medicinal solution, which was authorised ahead of that certification expired.

On the basis from the file containing the investigation officer's conclusions and, when asked for because of the people worried, right after possessing heard the persons subject on the investigations in accordance with Short article sixty seven(1) and (two), ESMA shall decide if a number of on the infringements shown in Annex I is committed by the people who are already topic to the investigations and, in this kind of situation, shall have a supervisory measure in accordance with Post seventy two and impose a fantastic in accordance with Article sixty five.

In an effort to guarantee the right application of excise legislation, two or more Member States may concur, on The premise of the possibility Assessment, and where by correct , to carry out simultaneous controls, in their own individual territory, of your excise responsibility condition of one or more economic operators or other folks, which have been of prevalent or complementary fascination, Every time this sort of controls would seem being simpler than controls carried out by just one Member Condition.

Selectează opțiunile Acest produs are mai multe variații. Opțiunile pot fi alese în pagina produsului.

Without having prejudice on the provisions of Segment I of the Chapter, the place imports of goods A part of Annex I for the Treaty about the Performing of the eu Union lead to, or threaten to trigger, severe disturbance to European Union marketplaces, particularly to a number of of the outermost areas, or these marketplaces‘ regulatory mechanisms, the Commission, By itself initiative or with the ask for of a Member State, just after consulting the committee for your suitable agriculture or fisheries common market place organisation, shall suspend the preferential preparations in regard from the merchandise anxious in accordance with assessment method referred to in Short article 38(three).

If you want to ensure that customers take advantage of other signifies of expression of obligatory foodstuff data than words and phrases and figures, presented the identical amount of data just like terms and variety is ensured, the Commission, considering proof of uniform consumer knowing, may possibly establish, by the use of delegated functions in accordance with Short article 51, the standards topic to which one or more particulars referred to in paragraph 1 might be expressed by pictograms and symbols as opposed to words and quantities.

Pentru a se asigura că consumatorii pot beneficia de alte mijloace de furnizare a informaţiilor obligatorii referitoare la produsele alimentare decât cuvintele sau cifrele, cu condiţia să se cele mai multe asigure acelaşi nivel de informare ca atunci când se utilizează cuvinte şi cifre, Comisia, ţinând seama de elementele care dovedesc înţelegerea uniformă de către consumatori, poate stabili, prin intermediul pe fiecare actelor delegate în conformitate cu articolul fifty one, criteriile sub rezerva cărora una sau mai multe Gentlemenţiuni prevăzute la alineatul (1) 1 pot fi exprimate prin pictograme şi simboluri în loc de cuvinte şi cifre.

That is a cross-practical venture, so We'll need to have to consult with quite a few unique departments.

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